Buy TCP 801023 23-Watt SpringLight Compact Fluorescent Spiral Light

TCP 801023 23-Watt SpringLight Compact Fluorescent Spiral Light Bulb, 27K Color Temperature
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Most of the bulbs out in stores right now don't turn on right away and come to full brightness.(I have many sylvania that don't REALLY turn on right away).

BUT these DO! Almost full brightness immediately! Be AWARE that 3500k and above produces at "office" type light that is BRIGHT with a hint a blue. It's stark. We used these in the Utility room and kitchen and are great.

They sell them in many "color temperatures" (color temp has nothing to do with watts or physical temperature by the's a color measurement) 3500k and above AGAIN produce a very blue-white industrial light.

Go to 3100k color temp and lower for "white-yellow" light that is more pleasant and similar to old fashion lights.

OR do what many hotel and restaraunt do. BUY pink Bulbs that aren't really "pink". They have JUST a hint of pink whiteness that makes everything look pleasant (you don't actually "see" pink just look "nicer".

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I have no idea what difference all the color temperature options make so I just went with whatever was the cheapest at the time -27k. We use this in the hallway for "ambience lighting" when we don't want to turn on bright lights. It doesn't take long to warm up to the actual brightness and definitely doesn't take as long as some of the other energy saving bulbs we've used -in fact, as you can see in the video, it's quite unnoticeable . Great buy!

Best Deals for TCP 801023 23-Watt SpringLight Compact Fluorescent Spiral Light

The light is not as bright as I expected it to be but better than most you buy at many other stores,

Honest reviews on TCP 801023 23-Watt SpringLight Compact Fluorescent Spiral Light

UPDATE: I liked the first one of these lights I received and ended up ordering 7 total of the 23W and 1 9W. After a couple weeks I stopped using one due to a toxic smell and a second one has already stopped turning on after 3 weeks of being turned on for a few minutes twice a day to feed the cat in a utility room.

I really wanted to join the LED light revolution but as of Feb 2013 there are almost no 1600+ lumen LEDs available and the ones that exist are quite expensive. I also needed a lamp that works in a small enclosed fixture and there are only two LEDs rated for an enclosed fixture, the Switch75 and Xledia X75N or L (one is yellow tone, one is white tone). The Switch75 uses more power than an equivalent CFL and the Xledia only casts light in 180 degrees. Still, I got an Xledia 75 watt equivalent to replace a 100 watt CFL since some reviewers claimed it may as well be as bright as a 100W. Not surprisingly, it wasn't bright enough and only lit half the room decently (the fixture forces you to install the bulb sideways). So it's back to CFLs for now.

The CFL I had in the fixture was old and too big to put the fixture cover on, plus it warned on the side it wasn't for use in an enclosed fixture. The SpringLight 23W is the same diameter as an incandescent and is about 4.8 inches long. This IS LONGER than a typical 4 inch 100W incandescent but will fit in most fixtures, including mine (barely). The 23W is NOT the same as in the picture it's got more twists. But its tubes are thinner and its base is smaller than older CFLs which lets it be as short as it is.

The first of these bulbs I got has a very faint buzz (the kind of buzz that I can hear on some TVs and others can't hear it) while it warms up but the buzz goes away after a couple minutes. I got another bulb of the same model and it buzzes more loudly for about 10 minutes before it stops. A third bulb buzzes almost two faint to hear for probably less than one minute.

The first bulb puts out a faint smell like hot electronics or burning metal. It's hard to notice the smell except when I remove the fixture cover, but I worry the smell might be toxic. Even after three weeks I still get a strong odor whenever I open the enclosed fixture the bulb is in and the light itself smells strongly of it up close. I've tested two other bulbs and they have no smell I can detect. The glass spiral on the bulb with the smell can actually be tilted back and forth in its base as if not secured properly inside. Because I've found drops of white powder on three other TCP bulbs (out of 5 I checked) I worry they spilled some of the white phosphor used inside the glass inside the bulb and that could be what I'm smelling burning. Since I've read the white powder could contain mercury, I'm growing increasingly worried about the safety of these bulbs in general and I'm going to throw the one with the smell away (I don't want to return it and have them just send it to someone else).

My IR temperature gun says the fixture cover has reached 130F after about 45 minutes while if I remove the cover the light itself is 217, its base is 172, and the socket it screws into is 137. Considering a 100W incandescent can get well over 300F, I think this is fine.

The color tone is pleasant, yellowy, maybe with a slight hint of red, although I think that only appeared once I put the fixture cover on.

The lights turn on instantly but take about 10 minutes for full brightness (they gain most of their brightness after 1 or 2 minutes). I'd say they start about 20% dimmer than full bright.

I've now received 7 TCP bulbs in total. Although they all work so far, their manufacturing seems sloppy. I got a 9W bulb with a lot of that mysterious white powder on the glass and a small streak of brown paint about a centimeter square that would not come off. If the white powder is the phosphor they use inside the glass, I'm reading that it could also contain traces of mercury... not comforting. One 23W bulb has what look like stray droplets of melted glass on the bulb. Some of the other bulbs have weird bulges or burns in the glass. I compared two bulbs side by side and one was over half an inch longer simply because the glass spiral was more squashed on one. The glass itself looked rather different between the two lights with different shades of white and the clearness visible along the edges of each tube appeared to be thinner than the clear edges on the other tube, suggesting one was made with thinner glass? I compared a third bulb and it was also different. They obviously have no standardized way of making the glass which means every bulb is unique and that suggests to me that more bulbs are going to fail due to individual defects. That, and the way different bulbs buzz differently and smell differently all make me worry a lot of the bulbs aren't going to last as long as rated and that some could be putting out toxins.

Long story short, I'm going to buy a higher-quality bulb next time, whatever the price.

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This bulb is quite bright -I'm using it in a kitchen fixture limited to 75 watts, so I'm getting more light than I could with an incandescent. But of the two I bought, one has developed a nasty flicker after about 6 weeks. I'll be buying a new one to see if it's better, but beware.

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