Buy MAGLITE SP2201H 2-AA Cell Mini LED Flashlight with Holster, Black

MAGLITE SP2201H 2-AA Cell Mini LED Flashlight with Holster, Black
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $31.99
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I'm am very happy to report on the next generation of the 2 AA Mini Maglite LED flashlight. Mine is gray, model #SP2209HJ.

Where the older style of the Mini Maglite LED has a larger head than the incandescent version and no hole on the tail cap to attach a lanyard, with the next generation Mini Maglite LED, we see the return of the smaller head so the rubber rim for the face cap fits as well as the lenses of the accessories pack. The hole to attach a lanyard is back in the tail cap.

It measures 1/2" longer than the incandescent version.

The holster still doesn't have the Velcro flap and is a tighter fit than my Velcro-flapped holster, but then, that applies to the current incandescent Mini Maglite's holster, too. I guess Mag changed the design to save on production costs.

Although the corona isn't quite as bright or quite as white as the 80 lumens Duracell Daylite 2 AA LED flashlight that I bought at Walmart for $5 more at the same time, the hotspot is brighter and the overall diameter of the beam is broader than the Daylite's. I like the Mini Maglite LED much better, not only because the beam is broader, but also because it weighs less, is narrower and shorter, and doesn't have a push-button on the tail cap.

I'm VERY pleased with the Mini Maglite LED because it has settings for 100% power, 25% power, blink, and SOS that is definitely good for signaling for help whether by a lost hiker or a survivor of a natural disaster or other emergency situation. Just twist as usual to turn on, then twist off & on again to sequence to the other modes.

What that does to those who prefer one of the tail cap push button modifications, I don't know. I prefer to twist it and can do it easily with one hand.

At the 25% power level, designed for reading at night or saving the batteries during prolonged emergency use, instead of lasting for hours of continuous use as on the 100% setting, the package says that fresh batteries will last for days. I haven't tried to run down a pair of batteries through it to see how long they'll last, but it makes sense because any of the brighter LED flashlights go through batteries faster than those producing fewer lumens.

All in all, I think Mag did this version of the Mini Maglite LED right and hope they do as well when they upgrade the Solitaire to LED.

[Updated on 8/31/09 I tested the battery life with a pair of fresh alkaline batteries at 100% power and a second pair of fresh alkaline batteries at 25% power.

Continuously on at 100% power, it dimmed and started flickering at 116 hours (4 days, 20 hours) until it went out at 117 hours.

Continuously on at 25% power, it started flickering at 192 hours (8 days) and went out sometime during the next 6.5 hours while I was asleep.]

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I have the 2 cell AA LED Mini Maglite, and I love it. But let's clear up some misconceptions about what this little gem is and isn't. In the dark, this is a bright, capable flashlight that illuminates a wide area. Unlike Maglites you may be used to, the beam can't really be focused. Yes, if you point it towards the ground at your feet, you can see the beam converge. At five yards out, it doesn't really matter, it's an area light no matter what.

If you are looking for a solid area light that doesn't take up a lot of room and has long-lasting battery life wait no more, this is your flashlight! Go buy it right now.

If you are looking for something to replace a SureFire or StreamLight, keep looking. This flashlight just isn't in the same league of brightness. Yes, it's rough and tough and for a small flashlight it is very bright for close tasks. If you are looking to light up chunks of real estate at night, then you are better off with a SureFire.

A couple of words of warning about this light compared to the "regular" halogen it is a larger flashlight. In diameter it is the same, but in length it is about one inch longer. And since the LED is supposed to be indestructible, there is no spare in the cap.

I carry this on my belt with the included holster, though I pray to God Maglite wakes up and gives us a holster that LOCKS closed. Would it kill ya to give us six inches of nylon and velcro to hold the blessed thing in place, Maglite?

BOTTOM LINE : A solid, dependable light that is excellent for small areas or enclosed spaces. After all, it is a Maglite. Only six inches of fabric and velcro keeps this from being the best LED flashlight for any amount of money.

Best Deals for MAGLITE SP2201H 2-AA Cell Mini LED Flashlight with Holster, Black

I'll admit, I love LED flashlights the pure, white light, the extended battery life, the look on the faces of my friends when they point the flashlight into their eyes upon examination... so when I read that Mag had released an LED flashlight, I immediately went in pursuit of one, and I'm finding it to be a mixed bag.

From a build quality standpoint, Mag still makes a solid product. The barrel and head are made from aluminum, rubber washers are used for a water resistant seal, and they can take being dropped off a workbench. One thing I'm wondering why they left out, however, was a hook for a lanyard the bottom cap of this flashlight is flat.

One of the main things the Mag has going for it over other LED flashlight designs however is that the beam can be focused and this is due to the deeper reflector design and the shape of the LED. Focusing the beam does increase its intensity a bit, but nothing like the old incandescent Mag lites I found myself using it about halfway between just on and fully focused, as it proved the most practical.

Now though, for the disappointing part: I own a 1-watt Luxeon-based LED flashlight (that cost approximately the same as the Mag), and a 5-watt LED flashlight from SureFire (which cost... considerably more). The Luxeon LED puts out approximately 20 lumens, and the SureFire puts out a blinding 100 lumens, so at 3-watts, it would be safe to assume that this Mag Lite would be about halfway between the two, right? Wrong. The beam is about the same intensity as the 1-watt Luxeon (which is pretty bright by itself); ever so slightly brighter when completely focused, but then the Luxeon spreads its light more smoothly than the Mag. The Mag has slightly longer full-output battery life due to the fact that it uses AA batteries instead of AAA's, but if you already have a good Luxeon or other high-output LED flashlight, I'd certainly say try to get a demo of one of these before you buy one. Don't get me wrong, it's definately a cut above the $10 ones you see in the waiting lines at shopping centers, but I'm wondering if Mag getting into the LED market now is too little, too late?

Honest reviews on MAGLITE SP2201H 2-AA Cell Mini LED Flashlight with Holster, Black

I've owned 4 conventional (Krypton) bulb Maglites over the years and I've ran many, many sets of batteries through them, especially my 2 AA maglites. I'll just cut to the chase and say that they hit the ball out of the park with this LED version, it is fantastic. The following observations are with fresh batteries in all of the units:

Brightness: The 2 AA LED version is significantly brighter than the 2 AA Krypton bulb version. In fact the 2 AA LED is nearly as bright as my 3D cell Krypton bulb maglite!

Clarity: It's no secret that traditional bulb flashlights typically project uneven light patterns with super bright and super dark areas in the beam. I find this incredibly annoying and will have to play with the focus of the beam to find something usable. The LED version has this problem solved. The clarity and spread of the light is fantastic. I can flick it on to ANY setting and it's 10x better than the traditional (Krypton bulb) maglite in terms of clarity and beam focus. I can tell they worked a lot on this and they did a great job.

Color: This is minor compared to the above, but the LED version puts out a cool white beam that is easy on the eye and it seems easier to pick up details. The conventional bulb version puts out a harsher more redish/ pink beam and after comparing the two back to back the LED version is much better.

Battery life: Don't know yet. I hear the batteries should last longer and the circuitry keeps the light output up even as the batteries go down in charge. Time will tell.

I now plan to upgrade all my D Cell versions with the LED upgrade kit. I'm very pleased with this purchase. I've made some nasty reviews in the past, so this this positive review is saying something. :)

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I repair industrial equipment in a large production facility, and I use this light several times a day. This lamp is the best combination of power, size, price, and strength out there. It puts out a powerful pure white light, and can be focused! When the batteries start to run down, the lamp starts going off and on to remind you to change them. The color is a real pretty silver gray.

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