Best Unger #92133 Broken Light Bulb Changer Deals

Unger #92133 Broken Light Bulb Changer
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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We had a broken light bulb in a ceiling fan and my husband was convinced we were going to have to hire someone to come remove the bulb. I took a chance on this product, and it was worth every cent. Much cheaper than the alternative.

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Having been in the lighting maintenance field for over 21 years, this tool I can count on to remove the bases of broken lamps EASILY! Any tech that has used needlenose pliers to remove a base can tell you how much time it takes to remove a base....usually in small pieces, not to mention the chance of damaging the socket if you grab the wrong piece. Just turn off the power, break off the glass stem, insert the tool and twist out the bad base.

Best Deals for Unger #92133 Broken Light Bulb Changer

I originally gave this a bad review becuase I couldn't get it to work. Took a deep breath, counted to 10 and tried again. It worked! YAY!

Honest reviews on Unger #92133 Broken Light Bulb Changer

Just what I needed. Tried a different one and it didn't work and this one did. The other brand I tried didn't hold the bulb.

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This product effectively loosened the broken off bulb and I was able to get it out easily with needle-nose pliers. The only reason I'm not giving it 5 stars is that it lost it's ability to grab the bulb remnant once it was loosened. But I did not succeed with the pliers until after using this, so those two tools will be my go-to for getting broken bulbs out in the future. The 2-step process worked well.

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