NatureTek Natural Light LED Desk Lamp--White Reviews

NatureTek Natural Light LED Desk Lamp--White
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $167.00
Sale Price: $78.00
Today's Bonus: 53% Off
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I almost bought the Softech-natural Light LED Multi-function Desk Lamp White lamp. While searching for the best price I came across this LED lamp.

From the description and photos I thought this lamp was a rebranded Softech DL90 LED Lamp at almost 1/3 the price. I guess I should have known better. A quick look at the dimensions of this lamp and the Softech DL90 show they are exactly the same. Not true, see below. This is what fooled me. I did not look closely enough at the photos to realize there were differences in construction and that this was a different lamp. The description of this lamp and the Softech are very similar.

First the negatives:

Does not have a dimmer function! The description says "Advanced Mood Dimmer allows for multiple levels of Light Color (cold to warm) and brightness"

This lamp does have 4 color temperature settings like the Softech lamp. But there is no dimmer control.

I guess an argument could be made that the 4 color temperature settings also have different apparent brightness levels. The bright white setting appears brighter to the eye than the warm yellow light setting. But my take on the description is that each color temperature is also dimmable. This is not true and might be considered false advertising. At the very least it is misleading advertising.

The vertical riser is fixed. It cannot be tilted forward or back.

Another area of misleading/false advertising are the dimensions of this lamp. It is claimed to be 17.7 inches tall just like the Softech. Actual height is just under 17 inches. The round base is claimed to be 7 inches but is actually 8 inches.

On the plus side:

The light is bright and even.

The arm containing the LED's can be rotated on it's axis, allowing you to throw light to either side.

My Kill A Watt meter shows this lamp draws 4-6 watts depending on the color temperature setting.

Bottom line:

If you can live without the dimmer control and the ability to tilt the vertical riser this lamp appears to be a good deal. Some of the features of the Softech DL90 at nearly 1/3 the price.

And if you want to be able to rotate the LED arm about it's axis, then this might be your lamp.

On the one hand there is no dimmer control, which I was looking forward to. On the other hand the fixed lighting is good and this lamp is almost 1/3 the price of a Softech DL90, which I was considering. Haven't decided yet if I will keep it or send it back. If it goes back it will be due solely to the lack of dimming.

Just received it today, so durability is unknown.

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Pros: Looks elegant, works well, easy to turn on and off, rotating base and head for mobility.

Cons: Light settings are a bit hard to change

Overalllove it!


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