Review of Princeton Tec Remix Headlamp

Princeton Tec Remix Headlamp with 5mm Red LED
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
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Remix Review

The Remix headlamp has 2 light sources to choose from a single Maxbright LED (the brighter one) or 3 `ultrabrite' (wasn't that a toothpaste?) LEDs, and each light source has 2 brightness levels high and low. The large pushbutton switch located on the top of the headlamp is fairly easy to push with gloves on and/or while running. You push it once to access the Ultrabright LED, and HOOOLD it to access the Maxbright LEDbut it's not intuitively obvious as to why it's set up the way it is, and can be a bit annoying.

Run times and beam distance for the Remix:

* single white Maxbright LED

28 hours in high (100lumen), Distance 73m

51 hours in low, Distance: 51m

* 3 Ultrabright LEDs

61 hours in high, Distance 29m

200 hours in low, Distance 13m

Coming from a little 4-LED CR2032 powered cap light, and other older or inexpensive headlampsthis is a huge improvement and a real pleasure for running. I've used it a few days now, and have finally figured out how to push the button to get the light level that I want. Here's my take on the 4 different light choice levels:

Ultrabright Low: This is the lowest of the 4 choices and claims a distance of 13m. It's not bright enough to light your way for running, but fine for checking your watch, looking through your sock drawer, reading in the tentthat sorta' thing. I'm glad the Remix has this low level, as you don't always want a bright light. Ohif you push the button once... this is the light that comes on.

Ultrabright High: Perhaps now is a good time to say a few words about the claimed distances. Can you see 29m with this light as claimed? Maybe. But the light at 29m is equivalent to about moonlight level. So, basically it's close to the minimum level at which you can see anything. If you want to know how far you can see well enough for runningperhaps change those meters to feet. That isif its spec'ed at 30myou can see well enough about 30 feet ahead. So, depending on your running speed, about 3 seconds in front of you. I'd say this level is pushing about 45 lumens, and floods an area plenty wide enough for running. To get to this setting, you press the button twice within 1.6 seconds.

If you're comparing this light to the less expensive Fuel headlamp, the Remix has 3 of these LEDs whereas the Fuel has 4 and a max of 70 lumens /40m distance and a burn time of 50hrs. 45 lumens is good enough for road running, but more is nicer.

Maxbright Low: Here's where the Remix gets good. The Maxbright LED. The Fuel ain't got one. While Princeton Tec calls this a `narrow' beam, it really isn't much narrower than the Ultrabright 3-LED pattern and casts a beam plenty wide enough for running. It will light up a 6ft wide trail in front of you, a full road lane, or twodepending on how far out you're looking, and the step up in lighting from the Ultrabright level is noticeable and pleasurable. You get a big jump in your ability to see (from 3 seconds ahead to 5 seconds ahead), for not much reduction in available burn time (61hrs to 51hrs). The color of the Maxbright LED, while still very white, is warmer than the very blue/white Ultrabrights. The distance spec on this level is 51m, which is a very nice step up from the Ultrabright High of 29m or the less expensive Fuel's highest setting of 40m, so for just a little more coin, you get a noticeably brighter light that will burn just about as long. Sounds fair. Getting to this setting is easy, as it just requires holding down the button for 3 seconds and you're there. Each headlamp will have its own `go to' setting. The one that you prefer and always use. For the Remix... Maxbright Low is it.

Maxbright High: Spec'ed at 100 lumens, 73m distance and 28hr burn timethis is the Remix's highest setting. Frankly, it's only marginally different than Maxbright Low, let's say1 step brighter. For the mostly road running that I'm doing, the extra light level is not only unnecessary, but it illuminates the reflective road signs so much that they get annoying. It's also a little harder to `get to' this setting, as you need to first hold down the button for 3 seconds, and then press it again within 1.6s. You may need to do it a few times to get it right. For trail runningwell, brighter is almost always better, but I'd think that this would be more than sufficient for most conditions.

Sothere you have it. A small, reasonably priced, bright, long lasting running light. Perfect! Some prefer a rechargeable headlamp, but with the 50hr spec burntime of the Remix, why bother. Plusif you're out in the wilderness for long periods of time, it's easier to carry some spare AAA's than to find a tree with an electrical outlet in it. I have only two minor complaints. 1. I'd like a `blink' mode, for running at dawn/dusk when I want to be seen by cars, and 2. Getting to either of the High settings or switching settings is a bit confusing or tricky with the combination of the right button holding and pushing, and you end up turning the light completely off in order to make it a step brighter. It's a little annoying. Would have been easier if the button presses just cycled through the 4 modes and the hold is to turn it off.

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Headlamps are a necessity in the war zone. I bought this to replace another that was somehow misplaced and have not been disappointed. I decided to try green for the light instead of red (apparently the DoD now thinks green is better than red for night vision). This thing works well and is bright. The lone control is simple and almost idiot proof--you have to hold down for a while to change from the colored light to the white light, and dimming is a second tap of the switch. Additionally, this light uses standard, easily found AAA batteries. I use it almost daily now to guide my way between the latrine and my b-hut.

If you have the need, I highly suggest this light.

Best Deals for Princeton Tec Remix Headlamp

I own a number of headlamps, different brands. The appeal of this headlamp was that 1) I could get it with red LEDs and 2) the choice of various levels of light plus a spot when needed. This headamp does all I need and more--I often venture into and out of the woods in the dark during hunting season and the red light not only protects my night vision but is also unnoticed by animals. I find the build on a par with most small headlamps, and the lighting choices much broader. Just a great little lamp.

Here's an update (11/12): the narrow plastic which holds down the battery compartment and completes the circuit snapped off, so the light is intermittent. Just sent it back for repair/replacement.

Outcome report: They sent me a new lamp plus a replacement for the broken part-great customer service!

Honest reviews on Princeton Tec Remix Headlamp

I have never seen a red light that was so bright. I turned this bad boy on in the middle of the day and blinded myself. This lamp is easy to operate.


Single push turns on the red light

Push twice to turn on ultra bright red

Hold for 1-2 secs to switch to spotlight or vice versa

Push again for ultra bright spotlight

Press again to turn off

If you leave it in one mode for several seconds, the next press will turn it off

The light is on a swivel so you can point it straight ahead or angle it down.

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We've had multiple headlamps from most of the companies, and this has become my favorite.


* The quality of the light is really good. It gives a good spread, and rotates to where you want it.

* Green light really seems better than red for night vision. This will likely be personal preference, but if I forget I have it and look right at someone it doesn't blind them, and it's not creepy like the red.

* Starting with the low light when you turn it on means your eyes aren't blinded. Also the way you switch to white light means you can't accidentally hit it either.

* I like the 3 aaa batteries. Some people say it's too heavy, but having had one that took just 2 aaa and needed new batteries too often I will take the minor hit on the weight to not need to replace them as often.

* Having a separate white light means it can be really bright. While it wasn't easy seeing, I could make out general shapes about 70 meters away on a dark night at the beach. Nearby even the low white light is bright enough to see clearly. I don't know about night running, as that's not my game, but I would expect it would be good for that as well.


* The headband is almost too small. It would be nice to have an extra inch.

* The switch from green to white light is different, you hold it down. This takes some getting used to, and was difficult for the rest of the family to understand when they borrowed mine.

* It would almost be nice to have a lighter setting for the white light. The bright green covers most settings you would use it though so it's not that big an issue.

* The style of the latch on the Princeton's can be tricky. If you've got a knife or something to push it down it pops open easily. Some complain about it breaking, I've never had that happen, though I can see how it could easily if you forced it open.

All the cons are just wish list things, I really like this light and would recommend it.

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