Sylvania 12709 100-watt 130-volt Production Ended in 2011 but for a Reviews

Sylvania 12709 100-watt 130-volt Production Ended in 2011 but for a Halogen Replacement Made in America Using 72-watt Please See Amazon No. B00A282TYU
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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What can I say, these are your basic 100 watt incandescent light bulbs. Another reviewer said these last longer due to the higher 130-volt bulbs. We had replaced most of our bulbs around the house with fluorescent believing they were saving us money. As another reviewer said, they really don't in the long run because the "long life" they advertise is only if they were left on full time, not shut off daily like most household lights are! As these bulbs age, they become very dim, and we were tired of not being able to see as well in our house! We decided to go back to incandescent bulbs in some of the most important light fixtures so we can actually read the newspaper at night, so I ordered this case from Amazon. They arrived quickly & in perfect condition. We love the light and believe that people should continue to use these types of bulbs in their homes before they become obsolete. Remember also that florescent bulbs are filled with mercury, which ends up in our landfills since nobody has created a way to dispose of those bulbs properly! I may follow up with a video review of these bulbs vs. the florescent bulbs in our home so you can see what a difference they make!

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They work well, shine bright, and best of all make me feel constantly proud to be screwing the eco-nazis. Screw you, Al Gore! Keep your hands off my thermostat, light bulbs and recycling bins. I worked hard for my money; I'll spend it however I choose.

Best Deals for Sylvania 12709 100-watt 130-volt Production Ended in 2011 but for a

An excellent long life bulb that provides superior lighting. Also, the higher voltage rating allows this bulb to survive voltage spikes that destroy lesser bulbs. Manufactured in St. Marys, Pennsylvania.

Honest reviews on Sylvania 12709 100-watt 130-volt Production Ended in 2011 but for a

These bulbs will soon be illegal. Our government is borrowing 40% of it's budget, yet it is still so over-staffed that it can worry about what kind of light bulbs citizens use. I will be relieved when Uncle Sam is too broke to care about idiocy like this. Our national debt will be up to $20 trillion before long (it's growing at about $1.3 trillion per year now), so a true "austerity" budget will soon be all we can afford. Yippy!

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I love these 100W bulbs primarily because they provide great light and heat. I pay my own power bill, having earned my way, and I don't like the ill light provided by fluorescents (anybody remember "Joe Versus the Volcano"?) The other feature is that they're made by Sylvania rather than the sell out Government Electric.

First they came for your phosphate dish-washing detergent, now they come for your incandescent light bulbs...and want you to replace them with mercury laden poison factories that give off sickening light. Where do these regressive 'progressives' ever stop?

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