Review of GE 17453 Wireless Motion Sensing LED Spotlight

GE 17453 Wireless Motion Sensing LED Spotlight
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $19.97
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My large backyard is open and lit up enough to see where my dogs are except under some mid-sized fir trees where it's very dark. My dogs confronted a racoon there and I couldn't see what was going on.

I installed these motion lights under those trees along the top of the 4 foot tall fence. I pointed the lights angled out towards the yard a bit. Each one lights up an area from the fence to about 12 feet out and about 10 feet wide. I had to trim some lower branches so they wouldn't wave around and trigger the lights.

Now, from the house, I can see my dogs under the trees perfectly well. I'm delighted! I even spotted a raccoon coming into the yard before the dogs did. From the house, the spotlights are a soft glow on the ground... enough to clearly see what's going on but not so bright as to ruin the night time feel of the yard.

The lights trigger on even when the dogs run in front of the trees, which is perfect. They turn off after 30 seconds of no motion. They stay lit while there is motion. They can be re-triggered immediately after turning off too.

They've worked flawlessly for over a year now. I live in Western Washington where it's wet, wet, wet and that hasn't been a problem at all. We had a severe (for us) snow storm last winter (18 inches of snow! horrors! [haha!]) and the whole freeze/thaw wasn't a problem... except the rechargeable batteries didn't last as long.

If you live where there are nasty spiders and such, I'd recommend using caulk to fill in some openings in the plastic of the light's holder. Nobody can take up residence in the inner workings of the light but I sometimes see critters scatter when I twist and remove the main light from its holder. We don't have to worry about black widows and scorpians here. I you do, then wear gloves when you go to change the batteries or goop up the nesting spots on the holder. Don't get me wrong, the light is very well made. They wisely saved on materials by creating a frame instead using solid plastic.

REGARDING BATTERIES: My dogs can come and go as they please thru a doggie door, but get locked in at bedtime, so it's not like they are out there all the time triggering the lights over and over all night long. But they do go out there a fair number of times every night to patrol the perimeter. The batteries last more than a month. I use rechargeable batteries. I now recharge all the batteries once a month. The charger says the batteries are quite low on power but even with that, the spotlights still produce enough light for me to see well. For this frequent type of charging, the brand of rechargeable batteries that has the D size makes me hoppy (wink). Mine for these lights have lasted well over a year (two?) and are still going strong. Each spotlight will take about $15 in rechargeable batteries... but that's cheap compared to replacing them with alk batts once a month. Every time I recharge them the initial cost fades further from my memory.

MORE RE BATTERIES: The common rechargeable batteries (as of sept 2012 anyways) do not hold a charge on their own for very long. That doesn't matter on my fence lights but I just bought another spotlight to put in a little used carport on our primative property far from home. I will probably switch to the "holds 80% of its charge 2 years" brand of batteries for that light. The only hiccup in the plan is, as of today, that brand doesn't sell rechargeable D batteries but instead sells AAs with a D adaptor. So that is what I will do. I don't want to use regular alk batts because those tend to leak in outdoor applications around here. ALL the brands. Even in flashlights left in my truck and RV. I've cried over several of my lovely LED flashlights and lanterns. Stupid alk batts. They don't make 'em like they used to. I've kept a flashlight in my vehicle for over thirty years and just in the last five years or so the batteries leak. I've tried all kinds of the high end brands and they just keep on leaking and leaking... The cost in flashlights and lanterns and radios and FRS radios and... it will be cheaper to buy expensive batteries that don't leak and not have to replace ruined lights and electronics. Oh, and thus far, not a single rechareable battery has leaked and I'm using them all over the place.

But enough about batteries. I only went on and on about them because they are perfect for this spotlight. The spotlight I love.

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I knew I wanted a motion sensing light without wires, and Amazon, as usual, came through. The GE 17453 wireless motion sensing LED spotlight is just right for my front walk. Now, I know instantly when someone is approaching. The batteries are easy to slip in, needs no sunlight for recharging (a pain in some of my other lights)and the light is bright. It is completely adjustable. When I ordered a second one for my deck, that feature allowed me to aim the light down the steps, to make navigating steps at night much easier. My cats have also come to understand that if they want in at night, they can turn on the light and wait, and someone will show up to let them in. I could see that this light could have even more uses I have not yet discovered.

Best Deals for GE 17453 Wireless Motion Sensing LED Spotlight

This light has good reviews at a lot of sites but it only lasted about 2 weeks for me. We had an overnight shower and the next day I noticed there was moisture in the senser lens. I brought it inside and went into a dark room and it wouldn't come on. I took out the batteries and saw there was some moisture in the unit so I let it dry out, but it still didn't work. I tried replacing the batteries,too. It did make it through the first shower and the unit is supposed to be sealed for weather but not good enough I guess.

Honest reviews on GE 17453 Wireless Motion Sensing LED Spotlight

I have two of these lights purchased from a well-known national discount store that is headquartered in Arkansas and sells this exact model number brand new for $19.95. I love Amazon and do thousands of dollars of business with them each year, but I have found that I have to watch the price tags carefully. The big boxes are not going down to cyber shopping without a fight. This product, however, is excellent: quite bright, quick motion sensor, and reasonable shut off time to conserve batteries. I use in closets where the cheap scoundrel of a contractor did not bother to put lights and will get this third one for a pantry. Five star except for price.


There seems to be exactly the same product under the trade brand of Dorcy with Amazon Prime shipping included. Price is $17.90 so I'm going to take a chance on it. Net difference including a trip to the big box and sales tax is $3.75. Will update this review if the product conforms to the GE spec.

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I have one of these outdoors over a porch stairs, and it worked perfectly every night for over 3 years on one set of batteries. I can't recommend it enough.

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