Buy GE Lighting 46645 25-Watt Stained Glass Light Bulb

GE Lighting 46645 25-Watt Stained Glass Light Bulb
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $6.99
Sale Price: $6.59
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I've had one of these in a little lamp with a white shade that sits on an end table I have. It's used most nights I'm home and it's lasted for ages. The colors of the glass do start to fade a bit after such a long while however, even though the bulb life goes on and on. If they made some with different wattages, like for instance at least 60, that would be wonderful. Unfortunately they only come in 25 watts. If there were higher wattages, I'd be tempted to use more of them here and there around my home, although they are a bit pricey...

However, I do have a major complaint with these bulbs. On every one of them that I've seen, almost 1/3 of the bulb surface is yellow glass. There are more yellow pieces than any other color except for red, and the red pieces are smaller. I counted more than one bulb, and this was the average result:

Yellow: 10 pieces

Red: 10

Orange: 7

Blue: 5

Green: 3

The pieces which are fewest in number are also the smallest in size. I'm not sure why that is. Personally, I don't find a predominance of yellow to be appealing. I would prefer that the colored pieces which comprise these bulbs were more equal in size and distribution and therefore with a bit less yellow-tinted light.


Sometime after writing this review, I began to find that some of the bulbs I bought were being made with more red glass and less yellow. (I uploaded a picture.) I think that for some reason this was usually the case when I got them together in 2-packs. But after a certain point, the place where I got the 2-packs unfortunately stopped carrying them that way, and I've been unable to find them sold like that anywhere since then.

Also, as of right now it looks like the price of these has risen almost 50% since I originally posted this review. Hmm.

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I bought a set of two of these bulbs at Walmart the other day for $9.00 in the clearance isle. Never seen stained glass bulbs before so i curiously bought them. When i got home i put it in a Lamp with a clear/frost white shade. WoW! they transformed a lil simple light into Beautiful lamps! these bulbs are awesome! i would recommend thenm to anybody! if you like creativity, uniqueness, and origonality these are for you! i was worried that once these burn out i wouldnt be able to get more, Thank god for the internet! ***** 5 star!

Best Deals for GE Lighting 46645 25-Watt Stained Glass Light Bulb

The light is very lite so If you are looking for a light bulb that shows up purple in your room keep looking.

Honest reviews on GE Lighting 46645 25-Watt Stained Glass Light Bulb

I have the 40-Watt version of these in an overhead light... They're beautiful with the light on or off. Unlike some customers, I haven't seen any fading of the colors {I have 2 in the noted fixture}. The glow emitted by these is very "warm", so don't look for bright light from them. I think they're more about giving the room a warm, welcoming, relaxing feel than about creating a well-lit space. I've had my two bulbs for 8 yrs. now and they're still going strong.

As an added way of making these look even more amazing, put them on a dimmer.... Magic =)

They're a bit pricey, BUT, consider that 5yrs. ago or so, they were $25 each ;)

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Love the low-watt purple bulbs. I use them as exterior lighting. They give a soft warm glow. They do not look purple. I wish I could find them at a lower price. I use 9 at a time.

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