List Price: $376.25
Sale Price: $279.99
Today's Bonus: 26% Off
This technology will revolutionize the horticulture and aquaculture industries. Kessil put the time, effort, and money into doing something in a different way. And every thing they did to make these little firecrackers pop came from a firm grasp of their subject material. I am not a physicist but i have taken the class more times than i care to admit. It's a difficult subject to pass for a lot of students, but i think that the people who made this device were definitely paying attention the entire time they were in school. I consider this product to be of superior quality and suitable for research applications where high levels of photosynthetically active radiation are required. Protective eyewear is not a bad idea during periods of prolonged exposure (your test subjects will have no complaints though).
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A plant grown from a seed which sat on the windowsill for two months had small pistils. After sitting under two 15 watt red lights for about a month, these became tiny flowers. After 3 weeks of Blackstar Flowering Light (240 watt, mostly red light) including 2 weeks of Kessil magenta with the 350 watt equivalent, the flowers are in full bloom, just like photos I am not sure will let me publish here. I actually would need a better camera in order to get good closeups.Suffice it to say, the plant that resulted from an experiment is now almost useable medicine. Get a jeweler's loupe to learn more about trichome production, get Azomite, find a place for the blooming plant to sleep (tent or closet in a cool area which will not be disturbed for 12-13 hours a day) and be patient. Bloom cycle is measured in what grower sees on the plant itself, not by a book of instructions. LEDs take longer but produce more trichomes, the medicine.
It is a great encouragement for a sick person to watch medicine happen at home, from a houseplant to a medical plant.
The seed for this particular plant came from another plant, from legal RX medicine. So it was not a "planned" event, the plant was hermaphrodite. Not wanting to waste RX seed, I started with Blackstar because halide and florescent have their downsides, described in other posts. Kessil is more compact and puts out the specific wavelength that the plants need without heat, and allowing easy hanging where the grower needs light (under the canopy) with good penetration no burn and a much lower utility bill. I find the light pleasant.
In order to see trichome colour, one has to turn off the coloured lights! Sit the plant on a table by itself in sunlight or white light and with a jewler's loupe, examine the top and bottom flowers and see if the trichomes are clear, cloudy or amber. When most of them are cloudy or amber, put the plant in 24 hours darkness for 1-2 days then harvest it as medicine, and after harvest weigh it and label it as medicine.
Be sure to get a State permit in your location before growing medical marijuana! A permit is not difficult to get but usually requires a visit to an MD and MD must give you a written medical report, which then is submitted by you to the State with a permit fee. State within a few weeks or months sends the patient permit, which limits the patient to a certain number of plants. I've never managed even one harvest since 2007 though I've had such a permit for at least 14 or 15 years now. Google around for info, it's not hard to get. It does take time, some money and mostly patience. The process is much easier now than it was 15 years ago.
I personally use cannabis by RX for the past 15 years for relief of severe extremely debilitating chronic back pain due to scoliosis, a congenital condition. The alternative would be pharmaceuticals, such as Vicodin which I found to be addicting even in small amounts and mind-numbing, not to mention requires constant MD visits and monitoring, prevents driving, etc. Without cannabis, I could not walk or stand much at all. I use only a prescription chair for sitting. Now in 2013, I do not use any pharmaceuticals now at all since roughly 2005, some 8 years.
Finding good herbal medicine even in licensed dispensaries can be challenging. Many of the dispensary owners have no idea how to grow medicine, what to look for or even what strain is best for what ailment. They are not pharmacists but they are dispensing the equivalent of herbal Vicodin. This concerns me a bit. The governor of Oregon is also an MD. He just signed a bill a few months ago that will legalize State dispensaries. This bill contains some labeling provision but until I see a State label I won't depend on the State to tell me which strain works for chronic back pain which is almost all muscle strain from having a crooked spine and not being able to straighten it unless I invert, do extreme yoga or see a chiropractor. All those more expensive approaches provide very little temporary relief absent muscle relaxation which is otherwise very difficult to achieve. Absent any treatment, I am in constant spasm. Combined with a severe hearing impairment, it meant I could not work very well or communicate with others because I needed to at least sit in a custom chair and needed a keyboard to communicate after sitting.
I did not find out about the hearing impairment or the scoliosis until 2006. Until that time it seemed I was usually in pain and hearing muddled speech without any explanation. Pillows and pills certainly did not help and led to more problems described mostly on FaceBook.
In my 15 years as a licensed legal patient, my experience is indicas with high or at least balanced CBD NOT THC is the key to pain relief. It just takes more time and skill to produce this type of plant. Even medical dispensaries are not motivated to wait for it to produce itself because the main demand is still for THC laden buds, producing a "high," which I don't get at all after 15 years and I am not looking for, I am looking only for pain relief in the form of relaxed back muscles. While community can be fun, I am limited by a keyboard and a camera to sharing my small success when it happens.
So having established with that long magilla that I am a serious medical grower with serious pain, I can tell you I had no gardening experience before I became a retired disabled person. I worked in an office for 27 years. Even my house plants died before now. My lawn would be brown or yellow if not for my landlord's memos to all tenants to water, weed, mow and fertilize, along with recommendations about certain fertilizers. If not for landlord's gardening standards, I would have probably given up on gardening long ago and just stood in line with my RX at the dispensary to get it filled along with 50,000 other medical marijuana patients in Oregon. The problem is until federal laws catch up to State laws, whole dispensaries disappear overnight sometimes without any warning to patients. Patient loyalty to mysterious growers of medicine is not rewarded at all. There is another way. I recommend that even if you have never been able to grow houseplants that if you are a patient, don't give up. If I can learn, anybody can.
Light, water, soil, seed and air circulation are all important. The LED high-intensity fixtures all have built-in fans, making supplemental fans obsolete, if one positions the fans close to the canopy, they vibrate the plant slightly simulating a constant breeze and helping the plant to branch.
The medical garden has to be sustainable on a small budget. Utility bills must be paid on time. The garden has to be portable, including lights. For the first time in my experience as a would-be medical grower, EVERYTHING you need to start is available on amazon legally except seed. If you have a permit and you live in a State that allows medical marijuana or cannabis farming it's not hard to get seed. Otherwise, you must be very patient and persistent in finding seed then do everything you can to keep "mothers" and cuttings alive and keep reading and watching youtubes. This will prevent costly and disappointing mistakes. It hurts me when seedlings die or plants get diseases, it creates more pain to watch them suffer. But this leads to new awareness, better growing skills and more knowledge. Amazon alone is a wealth of knowledge, but readers have to sift through a lot of posts to find the truth.
IMHO, as a medical patient with a grow permit who has heretofore not been able to make much use out of the "grow" portion of the permit, this is the best compact grow light for SMALL medical growers on the market today. If you have an available source of seed or cuttings, then go for it. It can be rewarding. I am always motivated by health...what I prepare at home is healthier than what I buy in the restaurant or in the store as far as food. I am convinced the same is true with herbal medicine, I have no knowledge let alone control over how my medicine is grown when I rely on commercial growers and dispensaries. I use relatively small amounts. I do not trade medicine, I don't talk much to anyone, it would be difficult to trade. I don't know if readers are following the "debt ceiling" debate but I would not hold my breath in the US for national health care anytime. Reading the daily news in October 2013 can be depressing to those in pain waiting for government to provide pain relief. While I am not identifying much with the Republican party these days (I have in the past) or even with politics (change is so slow), these lights are a way to be more independent, to have more choices and they grow tomatoes and basil as well, in the same indoor garden space.
I suggest new growers watch a few youtubes, but start with Kessil's website , which IMHO has the best professional youtubes on how to arrange the lights, and I would not waste time or money with the 150s, start with 350s if you can afford it, and buy lots of S hooks, you will need them. One of these shows basil one shows tomatoes, but you get the idea of how to set them up in very small spaces that can easily and cheaply grow whatever you want. Blessings.
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