The plastic window over the LEDs has little magnifying glass lenses in front of each LED, which narrows the beam.
That makes it basically useless as a work light. The magnet on the back is fixed, so it can't be aimed at all and nearly all of the light is focused in one direction. So this thing only helps if whatever you are working on happens to be exactly perpendicular to an available metal surface.
There is very little flood lighting, except for an annoying thin peripheral ring. It is not very good for adding ambient light to a dark area.
I am suspicious of the 72-lumen claim. It looks more like 50, but I don't have any other flashlights in the 72-lumen range to compare.
For such a low price, it is not reasonable to expect anything more than generic LEDs. The real problem is the absolutely ridiculous choice by Dorcy to intentionally narrow the beam on a flashlight which is supposedly for mounting. All they had to do was just use a flat window, but they ruined it by trying to be fancy.
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I purchased a couple last fall for the long dark winter. I use them in delivery vans. Three years ago I purchased four of the "Grip" 72 LED lights that are similar in size. Both types have magnets in back, swing out hooks. The Dorcys are much brighter, the lens panel does not crack and break as the Grips and best of all the switch spring is really heavy (maybe too much so) so they do not turn on and drain the batteries (AA's). Interesting lighting pattern needs a little improvement although. It's got a pretty good spot in the center which is quite bright surrounded by a larger circle that is most bright around the outer edges. (Needs more fill). This is done with 24 molded lens, one over each LED. The outside is smooth so dirt is not a problem. All in all excellent car light but maybe wrong shape for trail walking. Perfect shape for someone holding lite for you without blinding you..
Best Deals for Dorcy 41-4227 Handheld LED Work Light with Hanging Hook, 72-Lumens
I use this light because it,s extra bright and I don't need to use car battery to power it...great for auto repair
Honest reviews on Dorcy 41-4227 Handheld LED Work Light with Hanging Hook, 72-Lumens
A friend gave me one of these as a gift because she knew my eyesight was failing & I needed good light to see certain things. I found this light to be most helpful when I drop small objects on the floor & they ALWAYS fall into the shadows!!! This light puts out such a strong light that there is NOTHING I can't find. It also comes in handy when trying to read & I just can't quite make it out. I turn this light to the page & suddenly everything becomes clearer!!! I liked the light so much that I purchased 3 more so I have one in each room. I also find them very handy when I need to go outside at night. I live in the country & it is really dark out & this light is perfect for showing me the path I need to take. The batteries last a really long time too!!! I've postponed writing my review just waiting to see if anything will go wrong & so far...NOTHING!!! I use my light a LOT & I've not had to replace a battery & ALL the LEDs are still working!!! I LOVE THIS LIGHT!!!
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Dorcy 41-4227 Handheld LED Work Light with Hanging Hook, 72-Lumens
This L.E.D. Flashlight is one of the best I've ever used...It is compact , extremely bright, and small enough to fit in some tight areas where standard flashlights and trouble lights will not. It has a built in hook for hanging that folds flat when not being utilized, and also has a strong magnet that allows it to be held securely. I highly recommend this flashlight for multiple uses, and you can even store it by hanging it on the side of your metal toolbox or refrigerator by the magnet...
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