Review of Echo Valley 4341 34-Inch Illuminarie Sun Silhouette Pinwheel

Echo Valley 4341 34-Inch Illuminarie Sun Silhouette Pinwheel
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Unit arrived with bent flaps. Cheaply made and wouldn't turn in a wind storm. Does not glow in the dark (though that is not why I bought it). Save your money.

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The fact that it has a wind feature and a glow in the dark feature makes this especially appealing to me.

Best Deals for Echo Valley 4341 34-Inch Illuminarie Sun Silhouette Pinwheel

Love the design of this others have said it doesn't move easily and doesn't light up at night......that being said I really like the looks of it even when just standing there and when it does spin it looks even better

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