Buy Sylvania 72051 - LED/DECORBALL/RGB Globe LED Light Bulb

Sylvania 72051 - LED/DECORBALL/RGB Globe LED Light Bulb
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Got this product the other day. I was inspired to buy it by the mood balls on the table in the bar at the top of the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. Those didn't have the color variation of this product but did change colors at a slower, more calming speed. This product has a great color range and nice functionality-the ability to lock onto 1 color or cycle through all of them-however, I'm just not a big fan of how quickly the colors change. It's nice that there are two speeds to choose from but one speed is Really, really fast and the other is just fast. I wish the difference between the two cycle speeds was considerably more noticable, both slower too.

Still not bad for the 6-7 dollar price though. Vendor shipped quickly too.

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I love these! But left one on and after a day needs new batteries, and I've been to 3 stores (Walgreens, Meijer, & Walmart) and none had those 1632 botton batteries. Are these rare batteries?

Best Deals for Sylvania 72051 - LED/DECORBALL/RGB Globe LED Light Bulb

I have many different brands of these color-changing LED lights but this is one of my favorites! It may not morph as smoothly as some, but the colors are more brilliant and rich than others I have! You can press the button on the bottom to make it morph thru the spectrum and also click it to keep any color steady. These are sometimes referred to as "trananquility balls" because they are relaxing and mesmerizing. A great gift for yourself or for someone you really like!

Honest reviews on Sylvania 72051 - LED/DECORBALL/RGB Globe LED Light Bulb

I got one of these because it was cool and I like colored lights, but it turns out to absolutely fascinate my 3-week-old baby, who will stare at it for entire minutes on end. It's the first toy he's reached for, too.

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I bought three different LED balls on amazon to compare, and I liked this one the best. It has a really cool glow. Like reeeally cool. It diffuses the light very well. The button on it is small, but easy to operate. This is a hard plastic ball though, so it can't be thrown around much. At least, don't actually hit anyting hard like the wall or ground with it, or it might be damaged. But for tossing around on grass, for decoration, or fiddling around, it is beautiful and fun to look at.

I agree with the other reviewers that the color-changing mode changes colors a bit too fast to be relaxing. They should really change that, especially since the color-changing mode is always the coolest and most-used. But it still looks cool.

BTW, if you're looking for a tougher ball to throw around and maybe use with dogs, go with the meteor-light ones. They are tough, and look almost as cool as these. But defeinitely not as pretty.

The "Boing" brand one I bought was crappy, got dirty and dingy quickly, and looked nowhere near as cool.

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