Discount Energizer MS2DLED Flashlight, LED Safety, Powered by 2 D Batteries

Energizer MS2DLED Flashlight, LED Safety, Powered by 2 D Batteries, 1 Watt LED
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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There are quite a few reasons to recommend this flashlight. Here are five of them...

(1) It is bright, giving ample light to see small details or to see what shuffled in the garden after midnight.

(2) The "bulb" is a LED, implying that it will not wear out nor will it break if the light is dropped while lit.

(3) The batteries last a long time.

(4) This flashlight bears a Bureau of Mines approval. I do not know the details of qualifying for this badge, but it implies that there will be little hazard of starting a fire if using the light when analyzing or repairing a fuel leak.

(5) It is a nice bright orange color and resists disappearing in a tool box or vanishing in general clutter.

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