Cheap Bulbrite 50R20PG 50W Plant Grow Reflector Bulb

Bulbrite 50R20PG 50W Plant Grow Reflector Bulb
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $13.99
Sale Price: $4.99
Today's Bonus: 64% Off
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I had a clematis that never got put in the ground, and I thought it was dead. I had neglected to water it for quite a while, and it has stayed out on my front porch during very cold weather and snow. I wanted to see if I could revive it, so I put it in the cellar and watered it, and put the grow light over it. Within a day, the vine started to change color and I thought it was getting "sunburned" by the light. Within two days, the whole vine had changed color. On day three, leaves started to sprout out of the vine, at the "joints." Unbelievable! I'm a fan!

Something similar happened with a butterfly bush that never made it to a permanent home in my garden this year. I should be able to keep both of them safe and happy until the spring, when I will make a sincere attempt to get them in the ground.

UPDATE on 1/31/12 ~ Both the clematis and butterfly bush have continued to thrive! The clematis is starting to bud, and I expect I'll see a flower on it soon. Unbelievable! The butterfly bush, which had gone into winter dormancy, thinks it is springtime with this grow light on it, and it's sprouting new leaves all over the place! I just recently planted a bunch of carrots in another pot (for the butterflies visiting my garden), and they had sprouted within 24 hours. I am definitely a fan of this product, and will continue to buy them!!! I hope the new light bulb regs don't apply to these babies. :~/

UPDATE 2/28/12 Clematis is in full bloom... two huge flowers and many more buds. :D

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I love indoor plants but they never survive long in our house. Lacking direct sunlight I opted to test out a grow light. My plants did alright with this bulb, but it burnt out after 2 months. Maybe I am expecting too much, but I think a bulb should be able to last a little longer than this.

UPDATE 9/6/2012: I opted to test out a different grow light since the previous bulb had burnt out so quickly. The Hydroponic Full Spectrum CFL Grow Light Bulb 60 Watt Bulb 5500K H60( is a huge bulb that is mega bright. My plants are now thriving. I have even been able to restart an orchid that I thought had died (no blooms yet but I have 4 large leaves and a stem is starting to grow!) I would recommend purchasing the blub I mentioned above instead of the Bulbrite 50W.

Best Deals for Bulbrite 50R20PG 50W Plant Grow Reflector Bulb

The plant bulb works wonderful,I think i will purchase another.

My plants were starting to die off i added this bulb and they are picking up.

Honest reviews on Bulbrite 50R20PG 50W Plant Grow Reflector Bulb

was way overpriced for the product. did not meet expectations and overheats after 2 hrs., is supposed to work for longer times than that.

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My Aloe seems to like the bulb ok, but it only lasted a few weeks (at about 10 hours a day). I'll order another and see if it's a fluke, I suppose.

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