Review of Power Failure Safety NIght Light

Power Failure Safety NIght Light
Customer Ratings: 4.5 stars
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $3.00
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I've had three of these units in use for the past three years and they have worked very well. When the power goes off, it's nice to have some light in the house to make it easier to move around. They've also been sturdy enough to get bumped many times by the family dog without breaking.

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I probably do not have to tell you that waking up at 3am to your young children screaming in a pitch black house following a power-outage is not fun. So began the research to find battery-powered night lights and voila! after plugging some in around strategic areas of the home (including the little ones' bedrooms), I can say they worked perfectly during the next outage. I was still woken up by my 6 yr old, standing next to my bed and asking when the power would come back on, but at least he was not crying. In fact, he was calm, and he could see where he was going between his bedroom and mine without the need of a flashlight. The batteries are only used when the power fails and reportedly last about eight hours plenty of time until daybreak to seek more batteries if needed for successive nights.

Best Deals for Power Failure Safety NIght Light

This inexpensive and stylish product does a decent job in providing low-level illumination during a power outage. I like that these lights run on inexpensive, replaceable AAA batteries during a power outage. They also don't interfere with the bottom outlet on the wall. The only thing I don't really like is the fact that they are always on. I would have liked an ambient light sensor that turns off the light during the daytime. However, I also realize such a feature would increase the cost of the unit. In some cases these lights may not provide enough illumination (e.g. a wide-open space in a basement).

I paired this product with some Greenlite NL/WH/3/1/CD/1 LED 3-in-1 Night Light, Emergency Light, & Flashlight units to create an emergency lighting system throughout my home. The Greenlites generate more light and are better for illuminating long hallways or spaces. They have more features (throw a switch and you have a beam flashlight) but they cost more and use rechargeable batteries that aren't as easy to replace (if it's even possible at all). In some cases the Greenlites can be too bright (e.g. at the top of my stairs) so I used a Carlon light there.

Honest reviews on Power Failure Safety NIght Light

The light isn't as bright as expected. Purchased for a grandmother to have in the bathroom at night if the power went off. The light is so dim, she can't use the night light.

Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Power Failure Safety NIght Light

works good---i needed it for storm emergencies...light lasts a long time.. not to attractive thoughprice is realy good

would recommend

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