Discount GE 11088 Electroluminescent Battery-Powered Clock and Plug-In Night

GE 11088 Electroluminescent Battery-Powered Clock and Plug-In Night Light
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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Looks great, easy to read (even from across the bedroom half asleep), keeps good time and the price was right. My only small complaint is that the battery compartment cover is made from plastic that is difficult to open more than once. The provided battery must be put into place without the protective strip in order to get it started. Great. The problem is that the manufacturers have the plastic screw cap tight enough so that when first opened it strips the groves that keep it in place. I'm going to hot glue a small handle to the back and hope that will take care of the problem.

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I purchased this lighted clock/night light because I cannot find any other

night light with a clock. I use it for the kitchen since my coffeemaker

clock is not backlit. I, too, spent about 20 minutes trying to open the

battery compartment and finally found a simple way! Just take a dime

and twist the battery door circle to the open position (follow the arrow)

then lightly tap the clock (with the clock face facing you) on a desk or

counter and the little black lid pops right out. I have only done this

once but I would think it would work repeated times. I hope this helps.

Other than the difficult battery access, my only small complaint is that

the clock's second hand is audible with every tick, which slightly annoys me

just because I personally don't like to hear clocks tick.

Best Deals for GE 11088 Electroluminescent Battery-Powered Clock and Plug-In Night

We bought 3 of these clocks; one for our bathroom, one for our RV and one for the garage. They're bright, have battery backup, and are cute, too.

Honest reviews on GE 11088 Electroluminescent Battery-Powered Clock and Plug-In Night

I bought this clock 13 months ago. Actually I bought a version with a different bezel that is no longer available, so I am putting my review on this page. But rest assured, it is the same clock, just a different color around the rim.

I found the battery easy to remove to reverse to get it started. Apparently some people simply didn't do it right and ended up damaging the case or the cover. You simply take any coin and rotate it gently CCW. Now it doesn't exactly seem to be released, but it is. It just is so light that it doesn't want to fall off of it's own volition. There are two ways to get it off. One is to bang it against a cushioned surface, such as your hand and let inertia do the trick. If this causes you to (justifiably) fear damaging the clock, do this instead: use a piece of tape (masking, Scotch, etc.) and stick it to the cover and pull it off. If it doesn't come off easily, it just needs a little twisting one way or the other to get the correct angle. It does NOT need forcing. It moves to the correct angle with very little torque. Once you have it off, you will be surprised how easy it was.

My reason for waiting so long to write this review was to see how well it performs over the long term. I can report now that the battery that it came with has lasted more than 13 months and it is still ticking. Yes, it does indeed tick. If that is something you are really sensitive to, you may not like it. Personally, it doesn't bother me. As for accuracy, I found that the particular clock I received loses almost exactly one minute every 3 months. I consider that acceptable. You can always adjust it to correct the 2 minute error twice a year when you make the daylight time adjustments.

As for brightness, I would say it is brighter than I would like for a bedroom clock, but just about right for a bathroom, which is what I use it for. The diameter is 2-3/4" and it is just under 3/4" thick. The plug on the back is offset downward, so if you put in the top of a duplex outlet, it will leave plenty of room to plug a 3 prong grounded plug below it. The clock runs on the battery so it will continue to keep time if you need to unplug it for any reason. But the backlight runs off the AC so the light will go off if unplugged. A nice detail is that the plug is not polarized, so it can be plugged in right-side-up no matter which end is up on a polarized outlet (also it will fit niecly into an older non-polarized outlet).

I'm very satisfied with this clock; the two reasons I only gave it four stars are because of the ticking and because I can understand how the battery compartment could be designed to be more user friendly for those who aren't mechanical geniuses or have some good instructions for guidance.

Update 6/9/11: Original battery just gave out. That makes the battery life for my particular clock about 20 months.

Update 3/30/13: Cheap generic battery replacement from Amazon gave out early this month. So that's another 20 months per battery. Pretty consistent! (And it's still just as accurate as when I first wrote this review.)

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When getting up in the night to go to the bathroom it is so easy to check the time with this GLO clock. Small and perfect for the bathroom.

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