Review of Sylvania 58660 50-Watt 12-Volt Halogen Single Ended Quartz Lamp

Sylvania 58660 50-Watt 12-Volt Halogen Single Ended Quartz Lamp with Clear Finish and GY6.35 Bi-Pin Base, 1 Pack #50T4QCLRP
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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It works. What more can I ask from a light bulb?

For those complaining about short bulb life, did you install the bulb with your bare fingers? Smaller bulbs must be handled differently (example, think headlights), NEVER touch them with your bare hands. The oil from your hands will cause them to run hotter and/or overheat, thus shortening your bulb life. I installed it with paper towel touching the bulb (didn't have gloves), it was a hassle but necessary.

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I don't quite know what to make of it. The bulb fits in my lamp, the circuit closes (I can hear a pop from some nearby speakers), but there's no light. I won't bother filing a claim with Amazon for a couple of bucks, but I felt I should share my experience with prospective buyers.

Best Deals for Sylvania 58660 50-Watt 12-Volt Halogen Single Ended Quartz Lamp

I ordered this for a desk lamp that I use about 15 20 hours per week. I couldn't believe that it only lasted a few months! So I am back online now ordering a different brand. I bet it lasted me about 250 300 hours tops.

Honest reviews on Sylvania 58660 50-Watt 12-Volt Halogen Single Ended Quartz Lamp

I couldn't find this bulb locally, so I bought it on Amazon. It has been less than 1 month and although I touched it with bare hands (despite previous viewers warning), it has worked as expected. This bulb is one of 3 identical bulbs in ceiling fixture which I mainly use for reading. The lighting is good not too bright or too dim. I will have to update with how long it lasts.

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The bulb lights up as advertised. I took precaution not to touch the bulb with my bare hands so I'm hoping it will last.

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