Buy OttLite 490G59 LED Mini Flip Lite in Black

OttLite 490G59 LED Mini Flip Lite in Black
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $15.99
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I'm a little obsessed with Ottlites, and I have complained for years about the lighting conditions in fabric stores. So I was so excited when the portable Ottlite came out. Its about the size of pagers when they first came out. But its not as heavy (I don't think). I usually keep it in my car. It does exactly what I have wanted for a long time. The lighting in some fabric stores is just ridiculous, How am I supposed to decide what fabric to buy when I can barely see it?! (I'm 27, so it is really not a matter of my eyes not working) So if you ever have a need for sunlight-like lighting on the go, this Ottlite is perfect. And it has LED lights, so it hasn't been a huge battery hog. I haven't replaced my batteries yet, I've had the light a few months, and use it pretty regularly.

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To Mr Sam Gummy who just posted, Fulcrum Multi-Flex LED Task Light maybe this one would work better attached to your car visor? (i've tried clipping things to sun visors like sunglass cases and sometimes you get lucky, sometimes not) This ott lite is really designed to be clipped onto a belt.

I just got gifted this one in blue and i had to read the instructions on how to open it.. that back part slides forward a bit and then flips up (i wouldn't have figured that out without the instruction paper).. and yes, you need at least one fingernail (i use my thumbnail) to pull it open, and yes, you have to SNAP it shut.. hear it click (unless you can't hear, so you then really have to look and feel if it is closed (no gaps).

Very bright... yay! i can see i am going to have more than one! I have lots of ott lamps (desk, floorlamp, arc, rechargeable) but to have something this small and portable.. what a joy to be able to illuminate dark places.

For some reason i think that this would have been great a thousand years ago when i was a kid, you know, when you were reading under the covers with a flashlight so your parents thought you're already asleep..though come to think of it, maybe you could still read under the covers if your bed partner is wanting to sleep and yelling at you to turn the lights out, i wonder... hmm some things never change.

oh, one more thing ATTENTION ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU NEED GLASSES? I am telling you! Probably not... i find if i can't read something, i get under an ott lite, and i can read it just fine!!!! so get one!! (or two.. or..).

Best Deals for OttLite 490G59 LED Mini Flip Lite in Black

I love the brightness, but other design flaws make it problematic.


Very Bright and small


Must use a screwdriver to change batteries

Hinge in battery case easily broken

Uses 3 AAA batteries

Is a battery hog due to its faulty on/off flip closure,which will not turn off the light 100% when you think it is closed draining batteries rapidly. Unit needs an on/off button.

Clip on unit is not big or strong enough for multiple uses

I wanted to use it on my car visor, but the clip is too short. I even put a rubber band around it to keep it "off" when closed,but it still requires 100% attention to make sure its off and really closed.

The size is just not quite right somehow for multiple uses. I never had a "flashlight" I had to think about to turn off. This one has created its own category in that regard. You'll also have to buy 12 packs of batteries to accommodate it as it takes three at a time. AAA's are only sold in 2,4,8 and 12 packs.

Honest reviews on OttLite 490G59 LED Mini Flip Lite in Black

The flip light is really, really bright! I am a Flight Attendant and passengers are always loosing things on night flights. It also enables me to see through the metal grating seat frame to underneath the seat to find things that have dropped through. If you can't see it with this light, you aren't going to find it. It is a tiny bit on the heavy side, but I love that it has a strong spring clip on the back. I had to go down a dark hotel staircase which was very poorly lit with one dim emergency light on each landing...this flashlight clipped onto my pants waist band in the open/on position and illuminated the steps for me.

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I have purchased a few of these lights. I have one that I use myself when clothes or fabric shopping to see what the "true" color of the items are (store lighting is often horrible ans not a very good representation of correct color!)

I have also given them as gifts always with great feedback from the recipient. My mother is in her 80's and added a long string at the hinge and places it around her neck when she crochets at night. I have sever OttLites in different styles and am always pleased with the lighting quality.

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