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I've used several of these light fixtures for about nine years, and they've proven to be reliable and a source of good garden lighting. They're easily adjustable to focus on specific plants or trees. I've found them quite good. My only concern is that the contact connections often loosen up from the main feeder wire. I've chosen to hard wire each unit when installing them.Best Deals for Intermatic CL507 Malibu Low Voltage Cast Metal 20-Watt Halogen
I have used nearly a dozen of these for ten years and they have held up well except for the poor connectors to the LV cable. However, as I embark on my fourth LV project, I will use higher quality (read: more expensive) brass or bronze products. If you are going to DIY on a LV project, do yourself a favor and research the products and techniques.First, cut and discard the wire-piercing connectors, they are junk. Silicon-sealed splice connectors are the only way to go for direct burial. Ignore the Malibu instructions to daisy-chain the fixtures and learn about spider-splices, loop and tee connections to reduce voltage drop (lights dimmer towards the end of a run). Do not skimp on the transformer, it is the heart of your system and use no less than 12 gauge cable unless your run(s) are very short (25 feet or less).
This research could be dangerous to your wallet, though, as you may find yourself popping for a multi-tap transformer, 10 gauge cable and a voltmeter! All in all, a decent light for the price if you replace the pierce-type connectors.
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