Cheap Browning Tactical Hunter Alpha Max Light, Black

Browning Tactical Hunter Alpha Max Light, Black
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
List Price: $49.99
Sale Price: $31.84
Today's Bonus: 36% Off
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this is a great little light i bought the cammo version at bass pro and now i wish i would have checked amazon first it is almost 15$ cheaper here o well it is still worth the money to me. It is the brightest AA powered flashlight i have ever seen, I carry it around in my pocket every day. I do think the pocket clip is kinda worthless I took mine off when you clip the light in your pocket the lens is pointing straight up about a half inch out of your pocket..... a good way to break it i'm thinking. other than that a great product!

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This flashlight is AMAZING! It is so small, yet so powerful. When I ordered it I was looking for a very compact high powered light and that's exactly what I got. When it came in, I opened the box and was almost immediately convinced there was no way this little light could be as bright as everyone said it was. I considered just sending it back, but after some thought I decided to go ahead and open it and see just how bright it was. I was shocked to say the least! You can easily light up a treeline at 85-90 yards with it, and the amazing thing is it runs off one AA battery and is so small I carry it in my pants pocket every day and it doesn't even get in the way. I usually don't write lengthy reviews of products, but this one is deserving of every word. Considering the fact that comparable lights go for over $300+ this little light is worth its weight.

Best Deals for Browning Tactical Hunter Alpha Max Light, Black

I keep it clipped to my belt at all times. I love the fact that it used a single AA battery. Powerful little light that now has 2 stages.

Honest reviews on Browning Tactical Hunter Alpha Max Light, Black

Excellent quality light. Very small. Fits in the palm of my hand. Extremely bright. I have a 4 D cell Mag-Lite and it is not as bright as this little light which is powered by only one AA battery. Furthermore, this little Browning produces a high quality, well focused beam that shines farther than typical LED flashlights. I removed the pocket clip, because it drops right into my pocket. I love it. I want one for the first aid kit, the tackle box, the glove compartment, the medicine cabinet and the bedside drawer.

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This is one of the new "super" flashlights out on the market that projects a beam almost as bright as a 4D cell mag-light (with a krypton bulb), only in a size that fits snugly in your pocket. It has a fantastic clip. I have a $60 Storm light and this light blows it away (light intensity) and uses a single AA! So bright you have to hold it away from maps when you are reading them at night. Its only failing, it doesn't have a flat base you can set it on, just a rounded switch end. That's why it got only four stars. The Storm may not be as bright, but you can set it on end when working on pipes under a sink, or on a table in a power outage. Come on Browning, put a flat base-end on this masterpiece!

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